Dr Kirsten Mackay, Rheumatology Consultant, Rian Penford, Rheumatology Specialist Nurse and Lily Westlake, Patient and App User talk about the development and impact of using CONNECTPlus
CONNECTPlus App: Rheumatology Case Study
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
Phase 1 - Information only app
To support and engage with patients to better self manage their care at home to reduce the need for face to face or phone consultations. This phase was successfully rolled out to patients in 2018 and has had over 1800 downloads in the initial launch.
Phase 2 - Interactive PROMS Scoring & Medicines Management
HCI and TSD have co-developed Phase 2 of the app which provides more interaction between patient and consultant.
- Medicines management
- PROMS pain scores and reporting
- Calendar and appointment reminders
- Education videos
- 12 hour saving in nurse time each week due to patients being educated through app content and group education clinics. The team previously ran 4 x 4 hours clinics which are now reduced to 1 x 4 hour clinic.Waiting times to start new medication reduced from 3 weeks to 1 week
- Removal of all face to face subcut Methotrexate appointments
- Patient feedback scores average 9 out of 10
- All new start patients for DMARDs, Sub Cut Methotrexate, Biologics now educated remotely through the app
- 40% reduction in daily calls to the helpline (calls reduced from 70+ calls a day to around 40 calls a day)
- Winner of the Building Better Healthcare Awards 2021 for person centred software
- Winner of the 4th Digital Rheumatology Pitch Event for 'New digital solution that (could) improve quality of care in rheumatology' (Digital Rheumatology Network)
Download our case study poster here
You can find out more and download the app here
Implementation: HCI were integral in the funding application, scoping, design, build, testing of the app, as well as leading on the commercialisation model and platform development to enable other Trusts to commission and use.